Sunday, September 4, 2016

Tip of the Week: It Is More

This week's tip of the week is that family history is more!

Many people think of family history as names, dates, places, hard to read documents, confusing information, dusty old books, boxes of junk, etc. I'm writing today to tell you that it is more than all of that. Family history is not just for our ancestors. It is for us. It is for our descendants. It is the beautiful opportunity to bring generations throughout all time and all the world together, to learn from each other, to grow stronger testimonies together, and to fully understand the Plan of Salvation.

"Family history is more than genealogy, rules, names, dates, and places. It is more than a focus on the past. Family history also includes the present as we create our own history. It includes the future as we shape future history through our descendants. A young mother, for example, sharing her family stories and pictures with her children is doing family history work. Like partaking of the sacrament, attending meetings, reading the scriptures, and saying personal prayers, doing family history and temple work should be a regular part of our personal worship. The response of our youth and others to prophetic invitations has been inspiring and proves this work can and should be done by all members at any age." -Allan F. Packer, "The Book"

"I have a strong feeling that when this life is over, our personal and family histories and the influence they wield will be of much greater importance than we now think." -John H. Groberg, "Writing Your Personal and Family History"

"Family history is not just genealogy, but includes the present and future as well as the past, and ultimately, it is about connecting families together across the generations “that we may be redeemed,"...There is an eternal significance to this doctrine for individuals and families...When understood, this doctrine, added to the natural love a parent has for his children, motivates individuals to ensure the connections are in place...We research the past, create history in the present, and shape history in the future.” -Elder Allan F. Packer, RootsTech 2013 Family History and Technology Conference.

"One of the best ways to celebrate righteous history is to make more of it, make more righteous history!" -Spencer W. Kimball, "No Unhallowed Hand Can Stop the Work"

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